What is Programming Languages And Frameworks

Programming Language

We all know that if you want to share your ideas, opinions  with someone you need a specific language which should be understandable by both of you. In computer world there is language in which you can communicate with computers that language called Programming language. In other words, Developers need a language to communicate with computers.

First Programming Language

         FORTRAN is the first commercially language. This language is developed in 1956 (first manual appeared in 1956 but first developed in 1954) by team John Backus at IBM. Also computer language called a programming language because it is a set of instructions, command and other syntax used to create a software program languages such as C++, Java called “compiled language”. The first programming language for a computer was Plankalkul.

What is Machine language?

           Machine language is a lower-level programming language which includes binary digits (ones and zeros). Since computers are digital devices, they only recognize binary data. Like, The ASCII value for the letter “A” is 01235611 in machine code, but in the data you can see it as “A” on the screen.

What is Assembly language?

           A assembly language or (assembler language) sometimes, it is low – level programming language that you can used directly to tell computer what to do. And you can say that, assembly language is almost exactly like the machine code that a computer can understand, except that it uses words in place of numbers. An assembler is a program that converts assembly language into machine code.

Visual Basic

                  (VB) is a third-generation programming environment from Microsoft. It is for Applications is a computer programming language developed and owned by Microsoft. With VBA you can create macros to automate repetitive word- and data-processing functions as well as generate custom forms, graphs, and reports. Businesses and organizations can use VBA to customize Excel for their unique purposes, such as pulling certain statistics or information from a spreadsheet.


           Businesses as well as organizations can also use VBA externally, or in non-Microsoft applications, by applying a technology called a component object model (COM) interface that enables commands to communicate across computer boundaries.

What is Pseudocode?

          Pseudocode is an artificial and informal language that helps programmers develop algorithms. It is a “text-based” detail (algorithmic) design tool. The rules of Pseudocode are reasonably straightforward. Its improve the readability of any approach. The main goal of a pseudo code is to explain what exactly each line of a program should do, hence making the code construction phase easier for the programmer.

           For performing any specific tasks programming languages gives a set of instructions in a specific language like (C, C++, Java, Python) and many more. Its mainly used to expand the mobile applications, Desktop applications and websites. You know that programming languages are also classified into Low – Level programming languages, High – Level programming languages & Middle-level programming languages.

Classification Of Programming Languages
Classification Of Programming Languages

Low Level Programming Languages

      The Low-level programming language are closer to machine code, which could not be easily understandable by humans.

What is High-level programming language?

The High-level programming languages are closer to how human communicate. It involves words like run, order, class, request, object which we use daily in our live. On one hand high level programming language are much easier than low-level programming languages.

What is Middle-level programming language?

The Middle-level programming language is the language which lies between the low-level programming language & high-level programming language. You can say it as intermediate programming language. It is a user friendly language. It is closely related to human as well as machine language.

High-Low Level Languages

What is an Interpreted Language?

              An interpreted language is a programming language in which you can interpreted, without compiling a program into machine instructions. Examples of interpreted languages are Perl, Python and MATLAB . Python is an interpreted language this means that it uses interpreter. An interpreter is very different from the compiler.

What is a Compiled Language?

            A compiled language is a programming language whose implementations are typically compilers (translators that generate machine code from source code), and not interpreters (step-by-step executors of source code, where no pre-runtime translation takes place). C++ is a compiled language.

What is Rust programming?

          Rust is a programming language which is syntactically same as C++. It provides good speed and better memory safety. It does not allow dangling pointers or null pointers. Rust programming language is a modern system programming language.

Now , next will discuss about the types of  Programming Language that are classified are :

Types Of Programming Languages

What is Procedural Programming ?

      The procedural code is the one that directly instruct a device on how to finish a particular tasks in logical steps. Procedural Programming divided the program into procedures, which also known as routines or functions, that simply containing a steps to be carried out. In simple words, Procedural Programming language involves a set of written list of instructions to tell computer that what should be do step by step to finish your task.

Procedural Programming Language

Advantages and Disadvantages of Procedural Programming Language are as follows.

  1. In Procedural Programming technique, the memory requirement also slashes.
  2. You can easily tracked.
  3. In this program code is harder to write when it is employed.
  4. It is difficult to relate with real-world objects

What is Functional Programming Language?

     Functional programming language is a programming pattern which is in pure mathematical style. Its follows declarative programming based model. FP is not in a statement form, its always in a expression form. It is demand is more where concurrency or parallelism is required.

Functional Programming Language

Advantages and Disadvantages of Functional Programming Language are as follow

  1. Functional programming language allows you to avoid confusing problems and errors in the code.
  2. FP allows effective use of Lambda Calculus.
  3. Functional programming language  is hard to maintain as many objects evolve during the coding.
  4. Functional programming paradigm is not easy, so it is difficult to understand for the beginner.

Scripting Programming Language

Scripting language also known as script, or scripting. It is interpreted language as well as it is used in many areas like on and off the web. Scripting language is used in system administration. Scripting language is used in lots of games and multimedia also. Not all programming languages are scripting languages . Such as PHP, Python  & Perl, are some example.

Client side scripting languages

A client-side script is a program that is processed within the client browser. These kinds of scripts are small programs which are downloaded, compiled and run by the browser. JavaScript is an important client-side scripting language as well as widely used in dynamic websites.

Scripting Programming language

Advantages and Disadvantages of Scripting Programming Language are as follow

  1. Scripting programming language are easy to transfer between operating system.
  2. Its helps to look web pages more interesting and awesome.
  3. Scripting programming language used by not all companies.
  4. Installation of interpreter becomes sometime difficult.

What is an object-oriented programming languages

Object-Oriented programming language is one of the most vital programming language which used by every developer. OOP is the concept of object & classes. This software program in easy, reusable piece of code and it can used to create individual instances of object. Such as Java, C++ are example.

OOP Language

  Advantages and disadvantages of Object-oriented programming language?

  1. Object-Oriented programming language allows a parallel development.
  2. In OOP the coding is easier to maintain.
  3. Object-Oriented programming language becomes sometimes very unsuitable.
  4. OOP can be expensive.

Programming Language


What is android programming language?

As you all know that programming language makes our life easy. In education sector, automobiles, hospitals, banks these all are depend on the programming language. Every industry used any programming language which is suitable for them. Let me explore with you all the Most popular android programming languages which are as below:

What is python programming language?

Python is an interactive, interpreted, object – oriented programming language. It is an open-source as well as easy to learn programming language. It is a simple syntax similar to the English language. Its works on different platforms such as Windows, Mac, Linux, Raspberry Pi, etc. You can used it to create a software development, web development, mathematics and system scripting.


Python is easy to read, easy to understand, as well as to write. It can executes code line-by-line, so it is easy for the programmer to find the error that occurred in the code. Python is an independent platform means you can write code once and run it anywhere. But it is not suitable for developing mobile applications and games. Its works with the interpreter that’s why it is slower than the other programming languages like C and C++. Unlock exciting bonuses and rewards by using the Melbet promo code when you sign up to our online casino. Experience the thrill of our diverse range of games and take advantage of exclusive promotions with our renowned platform.

What should I learn after python?

There are many good opportunities and career after learning Python program. You can learn HTML, CSS, a small amount of JavaScript.

What is C programming?

C programming is a system programming language in which you can create system applications that directly interact with the hardware devices such as drivers, kernels etc. It is a mother language. C programming is a combination of both i.e. low-level & high-level programming language. It is help to design applications like Compilers, Text Editor, Network Devices and many more. In C language a loop is a repetition control structure that allows you to efficiently write a loop that needs to execute a specific number of times.

C Programming Language

      C preprocessor is the macro preprocessor for the C language. It provides the ability for the inclusion of header files, conditional compilation. It is easy to learn as well as flexible programming language. In C language , it is difficult to find errors. Also it does not support the concepts of abstraction, destructors, as well as namespace like OOPs. The syntax of the C programming language is the set of rules governing writing of software in the C language.

What is conditional operator in C language?

The conditional operator(ternary operator) works on three operand. The conditional statements are decision making statements which depends upon the output of the expression. There are three conditional operator are &&, the logical AND operator.

What is logical operator in C language?

A logical operator is a symbol or word in which you can connect two or more expressions such as the value of compound expression which is only depend on original expression. Common logical operator AND, OR, NOT.

What is C++ language

You can say that the C++  programming language is the extension of C programming language. The difference between the two is that the C (programming language) is a procedural programming language and not supporting the concept of classes & object. On the other hand , C++ (programming language) supports both procedural and object-oriented programming languages. It has some additional features such as object-oriented programming, exception handling, type checking, etc.

C++ Programming Language

      C++ is a simple as well as portable structured programming language. It is more compatible with C language. And C++ (programming language) cannot support the garbage collection. It is not as secured as other languages.

What is late binding in C++?

In late binding your assigned object will not resolved in run time. In early binding your assigned object will resolved at compile time.

What is data type in C++?

Data type defines the type of data a variable can hold such as an integer variable can hold integer data. Built in, user-defined, derived are data types in C++.

What is Java Programming?

Java is a high-level, secure, simple, platform-independent and reliable programming language. It is owned by Oracle. Java is used to develop android, big data, research community, web, information technology, retail, bank as well as desktop applications. This language is easy to write, learn, compile as compared to other programming languages.


               Java provides an ability to run the same program on different platforms. Also it is highly secured language because there is no concept of explicit pointers. Java absorb more memory and it is slower than other programming languages such as C or C++. And it also not providing any backup facility.

What is JavaScript language?

JavaScript is a type of scripting language which is used both on the client-side and server-side and allows you to make web pages interactive. It has the ability to create mobile applications, dynamic websites, animated graphics, games, and rich interfaces. It allows programmers to implement complex features to make web pages alive.


JavaScript and its syntax are very easy to understand and learn. It is total based on the browser and also it does not support multiple inheritance. Also it is less secure compared to other programming languages.

What is PHP language?

PHP stands for Hypertext preprocessor. It is a scripting programming language especially suited to web development. PHP supports powerful online libraries. Inside the PHP you can also write HTML, CSS and JavaScript code. If you want to save a PHP file you need to use, file extension .php.


PHP is more secure and easy to learn language. It can run on variety of operating system such as Window, Linux and Mac. It also provide excellent compatibility with cloud service. Sometimes PHP program quite difficult to maintained and it is also not suitable for large applications.

What is Ruby language?

Ruby is a interpreted and high-level programming language. It is an open-source, general-purpose, and pure object-oriented programming language. Its helps the web development in front-end & back-end. You can use this language to write CGI (Common Gateway Interface) scripts. These codes are written small as well as contains less number of lines.

Ruby Programming

Ruby helps to develop both internet as well as intranet applications. And it is also supports various GUI (Graphical User Interface) tools like GTK and OpenGL. But Ruby is slower than other programming languages. Also it is very difficult for programmers to debug the code written in Ruby.

What is Frameworks ?

A framework is a set of conceptual structure and guidelines used to build something useful. It is a software which helps to developed applications. Software frameworks helps developers by allowing them to take control of the entire software development process, or most of it, from a single platform. Frameworks is a collection of tools which designed to create your any project or task so you do not need to start from scratch. Frameworks include functions, predefined classes which is used to process input, manage hardware device as well as interact with system architecture.


Framework is important although there is no need to write code from scratch. It has inbuilt security feature. Also its save time. As well as there are different sections for different task. Also there are lot of inbuilt tools and in framework testing and debugging is easy. Some may assume that a software frameworks is a collection of libraries. However, this is not fully true as not all software frameworks use fully libraries. As a developer you should lookout for which frameworks are best suit your needs and future. Whether it is working on a website, database management, data science or mobile applications, software frameworks exist for all genres of software programming.

What is Web Frameworks?

A web framework (WF) or web application framework (WAF) is a software framework. Which help to support the development of web applications such as web services, web resources. Also it is a collection of libraries as well as modules that enable web application developers to write applications without worrying about low-level details such as protocol and so on.

What is Flask Framework?

Flask is a micro web framework written in Python. It is based on the Werkzeg WSGI tookit and Jinja2 template engine. Unlike Django framework, Flask is very pythonic. Its a Python module that lets you develop web applications easily. Flask python have many features like URL, template engine.

What is Spring Framework?

The spring framework is an application framework. Spring is a powerful lightweight application development. It is used for Java Enterprise Edition (JEE). Spring framework helps you to build Java application faster and more conveniently. Spring is “Inversion Of Control” container for the Java platform. Inversion of Control is an object-oriented programming practice.

Spring F

What is Angular Framework?

Angular is a typescript-based, open-source JS framework. Angular framework helps you to build applications on the web. It is consider as a framework because it offers opinions on how your application should be structure. Angular is a front – end framework. It is mainly used to develop single page web application. Angular JS is mainly based on HTML and JavaScript. So you do not need to learn another syntax or languages. Its solves application development challenges by combining declarative templates, dependency injection, end-to-end tooling, and much more. Angular JS helps to develop to build applications that live on the mobile, web and desktop.

Angular F

The popular Angular JavaScript framework is used in public-facing applications as well as sites like Google Cloud Platform and Adwords, and  many internal tools of Google. Angular website examples :

  • Netflix
  • PayPal
  • Upwork
  • YouTube

What is Laravel Framework?

    Laravel is open source. It is a free PHP web framework. It maintained a top position on the list of PHP frameworks. In 2018, Laravel is the best framework. Laravel is accessible, expressive as well as elegant syntax.  You can say it is a superb combination of simplicity as well as innovativeness. Which gives you complete toolset that helps to build your application very innovative. Laravel framework follows a model- view- controller design pattern that is too easy to understand. Laravel has feature-packed platform for high-performing PHP web application development. Also it  has a thorough documentation and video tutorial library of many modern web application framework.


Laravel Website example :

  • World Walking
  • Neighborhood Lender
  • Alison.com
  • barchat.com
 What is Django?   

Django is a high-level Python web framework. It helps to develop of secure and maintainable websites. It is a free and open – source web application. which is build by team of experience developers. Django framework takes care of web development so that developers can focus on writing applications. Django is suitable for every project. It helps to build your web application with less code.


Django Website example :

  • Pinterest
  • Instagram
  • Quora
  • National Geographic
What is Ruby on Rails?

Ruby on Rails , or Rails is a server side (back-end) web application framework that has been written in Ruby. Rails is a model view controller framework, providing default structures for database a web pages and web service. It also helps to build websites of any complexity. Ruby on rails is a fully backend language. Also It is a dynamic as well as interpreted language for object oriented programming.

Ruby On Rails

Ruby on Rails is still a popular tool for developing complex web applications. It provides everything you need to create robust and high-speed solutions. You can also get incredible support from the large as well as friendly Rails community whenever you need it.

Ruby on rails website example :

  • Shopify
  • Groupon
  • Goodreads
  • GitHu

Thank You


Q1. Which is the number one Programming language?

 A.  Python is the number one programming language as it is the most searched language in PYPL index.

Q2. Should I learn Java or Python?

 A . If you’re just interested in programming and want to dip your feet in without going all the way, learn Python for  its easier to learn syntax. And if you are planning your future in computer science / engineering then learn Java as its help you to understand inner working of programming.   

Q3. What is Coding and what are the types of coding?

  A. Coding is the process of using a programming language to get a computer to behave how you want it to.There are four types of coding such as Data Compression (or source coding), Error control (channel coding),                            Cryptographic coding and Line coding.

Q4. Who uses coding?

A. Coding is used by Software Application Developer, Computer System Engineer, Business Intelligence Analyst,    Web developer and Computer programmer.

Q5. What is the hardest programming language to learn?

  A.  Malbolge is the hardest programming language to learn. It is invented in 1998 by Ben Olmstead.The author of  Malbolge programming language never wrote any program using the language. 

Q6. How do you use a framework?

 A.  As many activities is done by writing code as well as interacting with different parts of the framework itself through code. Frameworks takes time to learn but once you familiar with them it will help you to speed up your development time.

Q7. When should I use Frameworks?

 A.  The aim of frameworks is to provide a common structure so that you do not  have to redo it from scratch and you can reuse code. As it saves a lot of time.

Q8. Is flask a framework?

  A.  Flask is a micro web framework written in Python. It is classified as a micro framework as it does not require any particular tools or libraries.

Q9. Is Python a framework?

  A. Python is an interpreted, dynamically-typed, and high-level language. It also implements the basic concepts of an language (OOP).It provides support for a wide range of frameworks. 

Q10. Is framework a tool?

   A.   Framework is not a tool. It’s “just” a bunch of components and formal rules of how they can interact. You need  a tool to script those components as well as to build some application. So to work with this framework you need a tool such as Net beans, Eclipse, etc.




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